Monday, August 10, 2009

Boring Blog's Anniversary

Seems this is the 5th anniversary of this blog. It hasn't been getting too much attention lately - I've been kinda busy. It's been a crazy summer in St. Louis - July was the coldest on record, and since August it's been exceedingly HOT. Ugh! I may never be able to get outside and work in the yard.

My nephew and his wife and two sons came through on their way to live a few years in Tokyo. Right after they left, my niece came for a week-long visit from Washington, D.C.

As usual, I'm still hunting for a full-time job but get the feeling nobody wants to hire someone who's almost 60. Sigh. Not even an interview in months. They say seniors are going to have to work until they're older - I'm just wondering where they'll find jobs . . .

Anyway, it's been a busy summer with family and friends here. But not much else happening. I've opened a shop on (just search for Blu486). Sold a lovely orange and cream (creamcycle) stained glass birdhouse so far, and loved knowing somebody other than friends and family enjoy my work.

So that's it in a nutshell. Will try to be a better blogger!

Happy Anniversary, Boring Blog!

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