Sunday, September 02, 2007

The End of an Era

After Friday's tree cutting, this was all that was left. The stump measured roughly 38 inches in diameter:

Then Saturday afternoon, the grinder came and spent about a half hour grinding,

And we were left with an enormous pile of "mulch:"

Once they were done hauling off the pile and smoothing things over, we are now left with this:

I will miss this old tulip tree - it was a beauty, especially in full bloom. But life goes on, even though the neighborhood won't seem quite the same. Am leaning towards planting some crimson birch or white and pink dogwoods in kind of a "grove" there this fall. And, of course, hoping the ivy wasn't too devestated by all the activity of tree laying on it, trucks driving on it, people walking in it . . . and it will bounce back.

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