Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Monster Update #1 - 02 Aug 05

We managed to complete and cross off the "monster" list below eight of the 11 items scheduled for last weekend. Basically - things are going great!! My son and I lowered the kitchen cabinets (finally), we cut the countertop and set it in place (this still needs a bit more work), lightbulbs were replaced, dead phone and electrical wires and outlets were removed, the whatnot shelf was rehung over the stove, windows were washed, a mirror was rehung (that wasn't even ON the list!), cabinets were hung in the garage for the potting bench, and some floors were cleaned. Basically 8 items completed, several over 50%, and some will have to wait. Unfortunately, I was distracted on Sunday by normal life - dishwashing, laundry, cooking, and so forth. But, having the list staring at me, knowing the goals I've set, make me more determined to get everything completed! I hadn't scheduled much for evenings during the week, and plan to use those times to complete leftovers from the weekend. By 8 Aug 05, things will be done, or I'll be dead trying! More updates to follow!

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